The Radicati Group Releases “Corporate IT and Business User Survey, 2012-2013”
By Radicati Team • Aug 22nd, 2012 • Category: Radicati Press ReleaseAn extensive survey which examines corporate deployment choices, future plans and business user preferences and attitudes with regards to Email, Instant Messaging, Social Media, Mobile Email, Security, Archiving and Compliance, Unified Communications and more.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Todd Yamasaki
The Radicati Group, Inc.
(650) 322-8059
Palo Alto, CA – August 22, 2012 – The Radicati Group, Inc.’s latest study, “Corporate IT and Business User Survey, 2012-2013” examines corporate and business user preferences, deployments, attitudes and behavior with regards to key collaboration technologies such as email, instant messaging, social media, mobility, security, information archiving and others. The survey was conducted with respondents from 67 business organizations of all sizes worldwide, representing a total of 957,786 business users.
According to the survey, users sent 36 email messages per day, and received 78 email messages per day in 2012. On average, 19% of emails received were considered spam by the recipient. Viruses and malware are also a continuing concern, with business users averaging 5.5 malware incidents per month.
Despite the growing popularity of social media most business users, 60% said they are sending/receiving less email because of social media. Instant Messaging (IM) is also widely used for business communications, with 73% of survey respondents indicating they have an average of 8 IM conversations per day with an average of 5 different contacts.
To order a copy of the study, or for additional information about our market research programs, please contact us at (650) 322-8059, or visit