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The Radicati Group provides quantitative and qualitative research on email, security, instant messaging, social networking, information archiving, regulatory compliance, wireless technologies, unified communications, and more. It delivers detailed worldwide market size, installed base and forecast information, as well as detailed country breakouts for all technology areas it covers.

The Radicati Group works with investment firms on a worldwide basis to identify and evaluate new investment opportunities. Sara Radicati is also available to serve on the board of directors of companies in high technology markets.
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New Announcements

Secure Email – Market Quadrant 2024

This Radicati Market Quadrant provides a competitive view of key players in the Secure Email solutions market. The report includes:



Endpoint Security – Market Quadrant 2024

This Radicati Market Quadrant provides a competitive view of key players in the business Endpoint Security market. The report includes:



APT Protection – Market Quadrant 2024

This Radicati Market Quadrant provides a competitive view of key players in the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Protection market. The report includes:



Data Loss Prevention – Market Quadrant 2024

This Radicati Market Quadrant provides a competitive view of key players in the Data Loss Prevention market. The report includes:



News-By-Mail October 11, 2023 ~ October 17, 2024




Hornetsecurity announced the release of its 365 Multi-Tenant Manager for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). www.hornetsecurity.com




Plurilock Security and CrowdStrike announced a new partnership to secure critical infrastructure. www.crowdstrike.com